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Clan Morbidus

Banner of Clan Morbidus

Clan Morbidus is a Skaven Thrall Clan of Clan Pestilens and one of the growing number of allied clans that comprise the Pestilent Brotherhood. They have unleashed several foul plagues throughout the Old World, including the lethal outbreak of Foaming Lungrot that ravaged Wissenland and the Blackbelly Fever that decimated the Dwarf stronghold of Grim-Duraz.[1a]

Clan Morbidus is led by the Skaven Warlord Pontifex Sitch and has representation on the Under-Empire's ruling Council of Thirteen. [2a]

Clan Morbidus' banners are soaked in cauldrons overflowing with virulent poxes and many tend to show images of disease-filled boils.[1a]

Clan Morbidus is rather more mercenary than their Clan Pestilens masters and they willingly offer their services to the highest bidder: after all, the only thing better than spreading contagions is getting paid to do so.[1a]

Although Clan Mordibus had chosen to follow Clan Pestilens and the way of disease, they maintained strong ties with Clan Moulder. Their Beast-Chieftain was Packmaster Grotchrot.[3a]

Much of the clan's warptokens are spent in the Clan Moulder breeding pits, exchanged for plague-ridden Rat Swarms, Great Pox Rats and Rat Ogres dripping with disease. These are seen by Clan Morbidus' chieftains as necessary investments that will aid them in their cause to spread more pestilence and, of course, amass greater power. Such avarice has not gone unnoticed by the Plaguelords of Clan Pestilens.


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy Battle - Army Essentials - Uniforms and Heraldry of the Skaven (Background Book)
    • 1a: pg. 30
  • 2 Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: The Enemy Within Campaign - The Horned Rat Companion (RPG)
  • 3: The End Times Vol IV: Thanquol (8th Edition)
    • 3a: pg. 10