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Daemonic Mounts Warriors of Chaos

Daemonic Mounts of Tzeentch, Nurgle, Khorne, and Slaanesh, respectively, being ridden by Champions of Chaos.

Daemonic Mounts , also known as Steeds of the Gods, are Least Daemons created from foul sorcery and summoned into the mortal world by ceremonies of dark sacrifice to and appeasement of the Ruinous Powers. The ground itself blazes or weeps at the tread of these Daemon beasts, the air around them shimmers with magical energy, and their roars and wails can send shivers down the spine of the bravest warrior. Only true Champions of Chaos may ride a Daemonic Mount, for these creatures are canny and do not usually accept the authority of mere mortals.[1a]

Many Daemonic Mounts have sharp horns, bony plates and fangs of steel corrupting their immortal bodies, and their eyes burn with the fires of Chaos. Some Daemonic Mounts are gigantic chargers whose breath is like a pestilent cloud; others are massive, bear-like creatures with claws of iron that can disembowel a man with a single blow, or serpent-bodied aberrations that shimmer and writhe across the battlefield. Still others are wasted, emaciated beasts, their sickly frames belying their deadly strength.[1a]


  • 1 Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos (8th Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 28