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"I have fought in countless battles. At first, it is the din of war that unsettles you — the hiss of arrows, the clash of steel on steel. Yet the one noise I can never grow inured to is the sound of those loathsome Spawn. Even I still shudder at their roar."

—Valmir von Raukov, Elector Count of Ostland[1a]
Empire ValmirVonRaukov

Valmir von Raukov, Elector Count of Ostland.

Valmir von Raukov, Grand Prince of Ostland, Margrave of the Northern March and Hammer of the East, is the current warmongering Elector Count of the Grand Province of Ostland.[1a]


The Elector Counts of Ostland live on the north-eastern border of the Empire beyond which lie the dangerous Troll Country and the Northern Wastes. It has always been a poor region where the constant threat of danger breeds a hardy race of people.[2a]

Valmir was the head of the von Raukov family, an old noble Ostland family that was known to be loyal to Emperors Luitpold I and Mattheus II. Shortly after the coronation of Karl Franz, son of Luitpold and grandson of Matheus in 2502 IC, the young Franz exposed Valmir's liege lord, Elector Count Maximillian von Königswald, as an impostor follower of Tzeentch. After confirming Maximilian's death and executing the imposter, the new Emperor had Hans-Hals von Tasseninck III, elevated to Elector Count of Ostland .[4]

In the aftermath of the Turmoil, House von Tasseninck was stripped of the Electoral office, which was transferred to Valmir von Raukov.Under the von Raukovs, order and stability returned.

Like his father before him, Valmir has spent a lifetime fighting against Chaos warbands, raiding Norse, and marauding Orcs, not to mention the occasional forays of bandits from Kislev. Even his own realm is not wholly safe, for the forests and mountains are full of renegades, Beastmen, Trolls, Giants and countless other foes. Valmir von Raukov is a tough warlord whose constant vigil has protected the northern borders of the Empire for many years. Valmir was married to Ivana, and had two legitimate sons; Oleg von Raukov and Vassily von Raukov.[2a]

Boris von Raukov[]

Boris von Raukov is reportedly Valmir's eighth son, probably illegitimate. He left Ostland to pursue a military career. He is currently the captain of the 4th Nuln Halberdiers, a mercenary regiment based in the city of Nuln, who fought alongside the Grudgebringers.[3]


Von Raukov was the best archer in the Empire, and could loose three arrows in the time a lesser bowman shot one.[7]

As the Elector Count of Ostland, Valmir had the right to wield the Runefang[2a] known as Brain Wounder.[5a] He also carried the Dragon Bow, a magical weapon inscribed with mighty runes which confer tremendous strength to its user. It is said that its arrows were tipped with Dragon horn and guided by magic to the heart of their target.[2a]


  • From art and models that depict him, Valmir appears to have strong facial features of either Kislevite or Ungol heritage, as is common amongst many Ostlander and Ostermark families. In fact, Valmir's tall fur-hat is a common headpiece with many nomad tribes, replacing the plumed hats that is common from their southern brethren.


