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Heralds of Nurgle

A Plaguebearer who is a Herald of Nurgle.[1a]

The Heralds of Nurgle are the Lesser Daemons of Nurgle known as Plaguebearers who have been granted a more exalted status and power among their peers by the Lord of Decay. Heralds of Nurgle are often granted leadership roles in Nurglish Daemonic armies.[1a]

Though they share many loathsome features, Plaguebearers are by no means identical in appearance and ability, for the loathsome disease known as Nurgle's Rot which transforms the soul of its victim into a Plaguebearer Daemon in the Garden of Nurgle upon their death is somewhat variable in its virulence and incubation.[1a]

The longer a mortal victim can endure against Nurgle's Rot, the greater in Nurgle's sight the resulting Daemon shall be. From the souls of such hardy individuals are shaped the repulsive Heralds of Nurgle who march in the Daemonic legions of the Plague Lord as proof positive that even the strongest and ablest cannot indefinitely defy disease.[1a]

Heralds of Nurgle possess a strength and hardiness that belies their rotten frames, as well as a jovial nature somewhat at odds with the world-weary aspect of their droning minions amongst the other Plaguebearers.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos (8th Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 45