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"Wait till you see what it does!"

—Malakai Makaisson[6]
Doomseeker Malakai

Malakai Makaisson, Dwarf Slayer and Engineer

Malakai Makaisson is an infamous Dwarf Slayer and engineer who was a companion of the adventuring duo Gotrek and Felix. Although seriously deranged and sworn to the Slayer oath, Malakai is still a formidable expert in the use, mechanics, and manufacture of blackpowder and firearms. Malakai has been responsible for devising many ingenious munitions and weapons even if they are not always reliable. During his career he has fought both in the Dwarf and Imperial armies.[1a][4a]



Malakai Makaisson

Malakai Makaisson

Malakai Makaisson's clan were originally from a Dwarf community located in the Dwimmerdim Vale,[3a] way up north -- an isolated place, which is thought to account for his somewhat odd accent.[4a] Even other Dwarfs find their manner of speech of their brethren from that settlement strange.[2a]

A prodigiously gifted engineer, Malakai Makaisson became famous as the creator of the Dwarf Ironclad Unsinkable, which sank on its maiden voyage, and the Thunderbarge Undestructible, which catastrophically exploded. Many Dwarfen lives were lost in these accidents. After those twin tragedies, Makaisson was ejected from the Engineers Guild. His shame proved so great that Makaisson took the Slayer Oath, dying his hair and shaving it into the Slayer's crest.[1a][4a]

Malakai continues inventing and building new creations to this day, including his more successful airship the Spirit of Grungni, and the infamous Goblin-Hewer, a war machine that hurls axes with lethal speed and power. Malakai also created a crank-operated machine gun carriage during his travels with Gotrek and Felix and his entourage of Slayers and Human followers. Perhaps someday Malakai's shame will be expunged as he finally finds glorious death in battle, and his inventions will find new respect amongst his people.[1a]

Nuln Gunnery School[]

Following the successful launch of the airship Spirit of Grungni, Malakai Makaisson was employed as a teacher and engineer for both the Imperial Gunnery School in Nuln,[3a] and the College of Engineers in Altdorf. Gotrek, a friend of Malakai, often sees his work for the Humans as disgraceful, as the engineer isn't actively seeking out the glorious death all Slayers must find.[3a]

Storm of Chaos[]

Attention, Empire Citizens!
This article or this section of the article contains information regarding the Storm of Chaos campaign and its aftermath, which is now considered a non-canon, alternate timeline.

Along with the rest of the Slayer army of Karak Kadrin, Malakai Makaisson sought a violent and glorious death in the battles of the Storm of Chaos in that alternate timeline of the Known World where the thirteenth Everchosen Archaon's great invasion of the Old World was defeated.[6a]


Malakai is a shaven-headed Dwarf, with the customary orange-dyed crest of a Slayer and a short leather jerkin with a sheepskin collar, a leather cap with long ear flaps, and a cut out for his crest to fit through. He wears a set of thick optical lenses engraved with cross-hairs, though he claims these are simply to improve his already superb eyesight, rather than to make up for any deficiency he may be suffering from.[4a]

Malakai Makaisson's Goblin-hewer[]

Malakai's latest invention is the Goblin-hewer. A rapid-firing, axe-throwing extravaganza of destruction, the Goblin-hewer is capable of scything through even the most numerous opposition with a hail of blades.[4a]


Malakai is armed with a great weapon, and a repeating Dwarf handgun, while the crew of the Spirit of Grungni are armed with melee weapons, firearms and great weapons.[4a]


