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Mount Bloodhorn

The Orc stronghold of Mount Bloodhorn in the Dragonback Mountains.

The mightiest mountain in the Dragonback Mountains is known as Mount Bloodhorn, a Greenskin stronghold swarming with Orcs that exerts its influence over the whole mountain chain and deep into the south of the Badlands.[1a]

Before the coming of the Orcs, the mountain was mined by the Dwarfs from the settlement of Ekrund, nestled into the mountainside. The Dwarfs dug deep into the rock, creating a tunnel network that joined with naturally occurring caves, which the Orcs would later use to turn the mountain into a fortress.[1a]

Deep in the mountain, within these cavernous chambers, the residents of Mount Bloodhorn farm its greatest export, Cave Squigs. Squigs are bred here in their thousands and thus Night Goblins, whose Squig-herding expertise is unsurpassed, are also prevalent.[1a]


  • 1: Blood in the Badlands (Background Book)