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The Rustblades

Most of Clan Septik had yet to arrive in Lustria, but the thrall clan known as the Rustblades was eager to ensure their clan-banner was prominently seen amongst the spearhead attack of the Pestilent Brotherhood. As such, Chieftain Grrzk Roteye and his elite plaguevermin force marched to join the initial assault. Like all their clan, they were marked by their rusted gear of war, as their diseases sped the corrosion of the metals near them. Unlike the truly devout, however, Grrzk and many of his clan still coveted loot and plunder. This yearning meant the grizzled leader kept his one good eye open for gold, gems, or any scavenge-material that might fetch a price amongst those skaven clans not quite so pious.[1a]


  • 1: The End Times Vol IV: Thanquol
    • 1a: pg. 39