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A host of Wardancers slaughtering the barbarians of the north

Wardancers roam Athel Loren in tightly knit troupes, treading paths and secret ways that few others know or dare use. Other Wood Elves regard the Wardancers as wild and unpredictable, and not without cause, for they are the servants and worshippers of the Elven trickster god, Loec. The Wardancers lead the Elves in music and rejoicing, and perform the intricate dance rituals that re-enact the history of Athel Loren, a form of storytelling more important to the Wood Elves than the more conventional method of writing.[2a]

To a Wardancer, even other Elves appear to be moving painfully slowly, for every move made by one of the kin of Loec flows into the next, and thence the next one after that without conscious thought or guidance. Forgoing armour, the Wardancers decorate themselves with swirling designs and dye their hair in bright colours, taking on the roles of mythical figures and ferocious warriors, their form of movement, and even their fighting style, paying homage to the one who inspires their dance.[2a]

Wardancers are sublime warriors, made even more deadly through their war dances. For these, the favoured rituals of the Trickster God, no rhythm is called nor are orders issued. Instead, the dancers instinctively enact a pattern of lethal movements, complementing the dances performed by the rest of the troupe. Each Wardancer leaps and pirouettes through the enemy ranks to music only she hears, gracefully evading her opponent’s clumsy blows and ending his life with an impossibly swift to strike of her own.[2a]

Shadow Dances of Loec

  • Whirling Death - Each strike of a Wardancer's blade is made with uncanny precision, capable of severing a head or piercing a heart with one deceptively elegant stroke.[1a]
  • Storm of Blades - The Wardancers rain blow after blow upon their opponent, moving with such speed that the eye cannot follow each distinct cut and thrust.[1a]
  • The Shadow Coils - With agile grace the Wardancers evade the clumsy attacks of their enemies, becoming almost impossible to strike.[1a]
  • Woven Mist - The sinuous movements of this dance distract and confuse the enemy, allowing the Wardancers to strike before their foe can react.[1a]


See Also


  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves (6th Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 19
    • 1b: pg. 26
  • 2: Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves (8th Edition)
    • 2a: pg. 45